Securing Your Journey To The Cloud


Cloud One Conformity - security and data protection across multi-cloud environments

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Companies are increasingly turning to hybrid architecture, combining classic data centers with private and public clouds. While this enables flexible working, it also creates new security risks.

What data is stored in the cloud? What is the level of user authorization for specific applications and data? How to ensure proper restoration of the entire infrastructure in case of failure? All these issues need to be addressed in advance, especially in the light of the current EU Root Regulation.

Welcome to the webinar#4 in the "Securing Your Journey To The Cloud" series. This time we address the following challenges: 

  • Regulatory compliance, including compliance with applicable regulations
  • Best practices for cloud operations
  • Use of AWS Well Architected Framework
  • Automatic Security & Compliance Posture Remediation

Register today, watch the recording and start your safe journey to the cloud with Trend Micro!


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Joanna Dąbrowska,
Sales Engineer, Trend Micro

  She gained her experience in the banking sector. For over 15 years she has been working for PEKAO Bank - one of the largest financial institutions in Poland. She is an expert on ICT systems security, she was responsible for many key security projects (DLP, AV, Email Security, etc.). She graduated from the University of Information Technology in Łódź with a degree in Computer Science.