OfficeScan XG Webinar: Learn About Upgrading

Learn technical tips and practical steps for upgrading to Trend Micro’s OfficeScan XG and our latest high fidelity machine learning (follow-on release and free upgrade for OfficeScan v11 customers with a current license/maintenance).

OfficeScan XG represents a new class of XGen™ endpoint security with optimized layers that protect against the billions and billions of threats (malware, ransomware, fileless malware, exploits, etc) that we see every day across our customer base. In fact:

  • 78 Billion files are processed by XGen™ endpoint security (including machine learning, behavioral analysis, file reputation, variant protection, web reputation, exploit protection, intrusion prevention, application control)
  • Within our newest high fidelity machine learning (available only in OfficeScan XG), every day we see that:
    • 5% (1/20) of our customers has a confirmed new, unknown malicious file (i.e. suspicious file determined to be a threat) blocked using high fidelity machine learning

Make sure you attend to take advantage of the latest protection and ensure the security of your organization’s endpoints.

Andrew Stevens, Director, Endpoint Security, Trend Micro
Eric Shulze, Principle Engineer, Trend Micro

Recorded: May 11th, 2017

On-Demand Webinar

© 2017 Trend Micro

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