Server Security is Different… and It Matters 

Servers support your critical business applications and are the ultimate target of hackers as they look to penetrate your organization. Importantly, the environments they live in— the data center, the cloud, or both — are different than a traditional endpoint, which means they need to be treated differently when it comes to security. The good news is that you’ve already got endpoints covered with Trend Micro OfficeScan XG—we’ve also got you covered for servers with a solution that is not only best-of-breed for the hybrid cloud, but also connected to OfficeScan XG to give you even better protection. 

Join us to learn how you can overcome the challenges of securing servers with security designed for the hybrid cloud, including VMware, AWS, and Azure. We’ll share you can use Trend Micro Deep Security to ease challenges around hybrid cloud security, including:

  • Streamlining operations with automation of security across the data center AND cloud
  • Reducing the number of security tools that seem to continually increase as you add new environments
  • Simplifying the process of compliance (ex: PCI, HIPAA)

Connecting with your other Trend Micro products like OfficeScan XG to enhance your overall security posture

Steve Neville, Director of Hybrid Cloud Security, Trend Micro

Recorded on June 8th, 2017

Available on-demand

© 2017 Trend Micro

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