IT security organizations are challenged with competing directives: significantly increasing security posture while simplifying the underlying security architecture. The key to making this happen is building a connected threat defense strategy, where components talk to each other for policy, enforcement, and threat information.

Watch Jeff Wilson, Research Director and Advisor, Cybersecurity Technology, IHS Markit and Ed Cabrera, Chief Cybersecurity Officer, Trend Micro as they discuss components and best practices of building a connected threat defense strategy that will achieve both of these competing directives. You will also learn:

  • Why companies need a connected threat defense strategy
  • What key capabilities and integrations are needed to achieve strong, simplified security
  • What is needed to protect hybrid environments, emerging IoT and IIoT technologies
  • How threat intelligence will evolve
Jeff Wilson
Research Director and Advisor, Cybersecurity Technology
IHS Markit


Ed Cabrera
Chief Cybersecurity Officer
Trend Micro


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