The threat landscape is rapidly evolving and so are we.
Trend Micro’s Risk to Resilience World Tour aims to help organizations discover
how to take control of your risk posture and achieve long-term cyber resilience
with a proactive risk-based approach to cybersecurity.
Join us as we unveil new perspectives and key approaches for better breach
defense, reduced security costs and improved operational continuity.
Join us on April 26th from 14:00-17:00 followed by a mingle with fingerfood & drinks at Rebel in Oslo.
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Section 1 - Column 3. Praesent non velit ut libero condimentum pulvinar sed vitae tellus.
Vestibulum id tristique elit. Suspendisse posuere rutrum sodales. Nam id elit ac sem iaculis lacinia posuere vitae metus.
Uncover these Topics
Cyber risk is a business risk: Navigating uncertainties and mindset shifts
Reimagining cybersecurity and accelerating your business
Take charge of your risks: Framework for effective attack surface management
XDR unleashed: How to detect and respond to advanced threats with speed
Accelerating SOC: The Nexus of XDR and Attack Surface Risk Management
Secure your cloud transformation journey at every phase
Time | Topic | Speaker | |
13:30 | Registration | ||
14:00 | Welcome | Hans-Petter Nygård-Hansen, Technology Expert & TV Personality | |
14:05 | Cyber risk is a business risk: Navigating uncertainties & mindset shifts | Ola Lauten, Country Manager, Trend Micro Norway & Iceland | |
14:25 | Today's threat landscape and ever-increasing attack surfaces present security teams with ever-new challenges. How do we solve these & what does the future really look like? | Panel discussion with customers | |
15:05 | To hunt with confidence | Jesper Mikkelsen, Nordics Technical Director, Trend Micro | |
15:25 | • How to make good things better…. • What is a power-tool without power? • What is a security-tool without proper intel? • Let's talk about Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative |
Christian Nordve, Customer Services Manager, Trend Micro | |
15:45 | Coffee break | ||
16:00 | Tør å være tydelig. Lev med konsekvensene. I 2020 ble Geir Aker et fenomen over natta da han dukket opp i publikumssuksessen “Kompani Lauritzen”. Som kompaniets Fenrik ledet han deltakerne gjennom programmet med disiplin, tydelighet og en stødig hånd. Denne kunnskapen lar seg overføre fra det militære til det sivile – disiplin, mestring og utvikling er noen av favoritt temaene til Geir Aker, og han elsker å formidle dette i sine foredrag. | Geir Aker | |
17:00-19:00 | Fingerfood, drinks & DJ Fundamentals |
Section 6 - Column 3. Praesent non velit ut libero condimentum pulvinar sed vitae tellus.
Vestibulum id tristique elit. Suspendisse posuere rutrum sodales. Nam id elit ac sem iaculis lacinia posuere vitae metus.
Section 6 - Column 4. Praesent non velit ut libero condimentum pulvinar sed vitae tellus.
Vestibulum id tristique elit. Suspendisse posuere rutrum sodales. Nam id elit ac sem iaculis lacinia posuere vitae metus.
Section 7 - Column 2. Praesent non velit ut libero condimentum pulvinar sed vitae tellus.
Vestibulum id tristique elit. Suspendisse posuere rutrum sodales. Nam id elit ac sem iaculis lacinia posuere vitae metus.
Section 7 - Column 3. Praesent non velit ut libero condimentum pulvinar sed vitae tellus.
Vestibulum id tristique elit. Suspendisse posuere rutrum sodales. Nam id elit ac sem iaculis lacinia posuere vitae metus.
Section 7 - Column 4. Praesent non velit ut libero condimentum pulvinar sed vitae tellus.
Vestibulum id tristique elit. Suspendisse posuere rutrum sodales. Nam id elit ac sem iaculis lacinia posuere vitae metus.