Trend Micro Red Team Capture the Flag
at Cyber Security Nordic

Level up your security skills and gain insider knowledge on modern cyber threats at our unmissable Red Team Capture The Flag event on October 29th at 10:00–13:00 EET, where you'll immerse yourself in the attacker's mindset, uncovering the secrets behind breaches and learn invaluable insights into threat actors' tools and techniques for stealing and encrypting sensitive data.

  • Simulate a breach working individually or in teams, starting from a prepared entry point in a customer environment.

  • Use powerful tools like Bloodhound and Starkiller to navigate systems and gain domain admin privileges.

  • Complete 15 challenges covering tactics from the MITRE ATT&CK framework, including Initial Access, Command & Control, Discovery, Credential Access, Lateral Movement, and Privilege Escalation.


Trend Micro respects your privacy. For more information, please read our privacy policy

The Event


Tuesday, October 29th
10:00–13:00 EET


Cyber Security Nordic
Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre, Finland
Hacker´s Corner room 102


PC (Windows/Linux) or Mac.

CTF is entirely browser-based.

Steyn Van Niekerk

UK Sales Engineer - Territory and Partners


Previous CTFs

Many customers and partners have participated in our past CTFs to improve their skills while having fun! In the past few years, we had the pleasure to:

Host dozens of CTF sessions across Europe.

Welcome hundreds of participants.

Complete thousands of challenges.

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Got a Question?

For general inquiries about the event, please contact our CTF team.

By registering for the event, you consent to the disclosure of your contact information to the partners of the Cyber Security Nordic event.

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