Schedule your complimentary, personalized experience today

You know what helps with migraines? Vacations!

Upon completion of your Well-Architected Framework Assessment, we’ll send you a $200 travel voucher to bring you one step closer to a well-deserved getaway!

Securing your AWS services doesn’t need to be complicated, even when there are so many AWS resources available. Let us show you where to start with a 45-day cloud security posture management assessment, plus exclusive access to our entire cloud security platform.  

Our Cloud Success Engineers (CSEs) will help pinpoint your specific cloud needs to provide you with an actionable plan, leverage AWS resources, and take ownership for your part in the shared responsibility model. 

Book a security strategy session with a cloud success engineer to receive: 

  • A 45-day extended trial of our hybrid cloud security platform
  • An actionable plan to get you securely started in the cloud
  • Access to our free tier offerings, plus $100 in AWS credits
  • A personalized review of your cloud security assessment with guidance to achieve cloud operational excellence

As a leading AWS security partner, Trend Micro has you covered throughout:

  • Amazon EC2
  • AWS Lambda
  • AWS Fargate
  • AWS Outposts
  • Amazon S3
  • VPC networking
  • Containers

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Does the thought of cloud migration give you a migraine? Let us take the stress out of making the move.

Securing your AWS services doesn’t need to be complicated, even when there are so many AWS resources available. Let us show you where to start in a 30-minute virtual meeting. Our Success Engineers (SEs) will help pinpoint your specific cloud needs to provide you with an actionable plan, leverage AWS resources, and take ownership for your part in the shared responsibility model.

As a leading AWS security partner, Trend Micro has you covered across Amazon EC2 instances, AWS Lambda, AWS Fargate, containers, AWS Outposts, Amazon S3, and your VPC networking.

Start off right with a complimentary security strategy session. In this call, our Success Engineers (SEs) will help you pinpoint your specific cloud needs to chart your next steps.

Book a security strategy session with a cloud success engineer to receive:

  • A 45-day extended trial of our hybrid cloud security platform
  • An actionable plan to get you securely started in the cloud
  • Access to our free tier offerings, plus $100 in AWS credits
  • Bi-weekly check-in calls to ensure you’re on the right track
  • A detailed Well-Architected Framework assessment with guidance to improve your cloud posture

Want to get started on your own? Take our guided self-assessment.

Trend Micro guards your privacy: Read our privacy policy.