
Shannon Murphy Global - Security & Risk Strategist, Trend Micro
The Unofficial AI Survival Guide
Often for the better, occasionally for the worse, AI has rapidly infiltrated and influenced every part of the modern enterprise today. With this rapid onset comes novel ethical dilemmas, AI-enabled threat activity and new risk to our digital infrastructure. Explore how security leaders and practitioners can balance risk and reward and hype vs. reality. In this session we’ll show real-world attack processes from the adversary’s perspective. Provide guidance on how to answer tricky questions from executive peers, and dig in to where we can leverage AI and other technologies to defensively address new and evolving threats and ultimately reduce cyber, reputation, and operational risk.

Mattias Fridström - Vice President & Chief Evangelist, Arelion
With over 20 years in the telecommunications industry, Mattias Fridström can be considered a veteran – but his enthusiasm hasn’t faded. Mattias combines expert knowledge with anecdotes from behind the scenes and deep insight into the networked economy: What are the challenges of tomorrow for network providers? How can we meet ever-increasing traffic demand and customer quality expectations within the same cost frame?

Mattias holds an M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Wollongong, Australia. Since joining Telia in 1996, he has worked in a number of senior roles within Telia Carrier / Arelion and most recently as CTO. Since July 2016 he is Arelion´s (former Telia Carrier) Chief Evangelist.

When you run the #1 ranked Internet backbone in the World you also see a lot of cyber crime taking place This session will give a unique perspective on key global DDoS trends. The session also investigates the overall impact of DDoS attacks, the evolution of specific attacks vectors and the significance of major social and geopolitical events in a cyberattack context.

Fredrik Börjesson - IT-säkerhetsstrateg, Nationellt cybersäkerhetscenter
Fredrik har arbetat inom it-, informations- och cybersäkerhet sedan mitten av 90-talet i olika tekniska, ledarskaps och strategiska roller. Fredrik har arbetat främst i Sverige och de nordiska länderna, men även under 10 år över Asien och Australien med basering i Sydney.

Sedan 2021 arbetar Fredrik som it-säkerhetsstrateg i ledningen för den militära säkerhetstjänsten, en del av Must, Försvarsmakten. Fredrik har en MBA (exec) examen från UNSW, Sydney. Fredrik har även en CISSP certifiering, vilken han aktivt underhåller, bland annat genom att som industriexpert utveckla nya certifieringsprov. Fredrik är en erfaren presentatör, paneldeltagare och lärare inom säkerhetsområdet.

Presentation från NCSC om cybersäkerhet - hotaktörer, hotbild och skyddsåtgärder

Robert Wortmann - Principal Security Strategist, Trend Micro
Robert Wortmann is an experienced expert in analyzing and planning complex Cyber Defense architectures and technologies. At Trend Micro he is responsible for Cyber Defense architectures with a special focus on advanced Detection and Response as well as analyzing the current threat landscape.

Staying Ahead of the Curve: Navigating Cyber Threat Intelligence Requirements in the Evolving Threat Landscape

Jesper Mikkelsen - Technical Director Nordics, Trend Micro
Jesper Mikkelsen, Technical Director Nordics, is a skilled IT security specialist and spokesperson for Trend Micro Denmark. Jesper has a broad security skillset, from network to endpoints and data centers. During his time in IT Security Jesper has been working as both a Red team and Blue team member. He has also been involved in multiple Incident Response (IR) cases and has therefor also good insights into how threat actors work, as well as great threat hunting skills.

Jesper has worked at Trend Micro since 2013 and has been in the IT security industry for 17 years. He has had multiple types of positions, amongst them as a solution specialist and systems engineer, to help companies design, implement and test their security solutions. Jesper has also conducted Pen testing and worked as a security instructor.

Deep dive; Detect and respond to threats with ease and confidence
Carl-Johan Ekelund - Team Lead för säkerhet, Atea Sverige
I sin roll ansvarar han för ett nationellt team som arbetar med affärsutveckling inom säkerhet för alla Ateas regioner i Sverige men även samverkan med de andra länderna i den nordiska/baltiska koncernen. Teamet säkerställer att Ateas säkerhetserbjudande är heltäckande över affärsområdena Information Management, Digital Workplace och Hybrid Platform.

Carl-Johan Ekelund har lång erfarenhet inom säkerhetsområdet. Innan han började på Atea, där han nu har arbetat i åtta år och bland annat haft rollen som informationssäkerhetskonsult, var han it-säkerhetsansvarig på Landstinget i Kalmar län. Han har arbetat med säkerhetsfrågor i över 20 år och har flera certifieringar, inklusive CISSP, CISA och CRISC​.

Förbered er på det oförutsedda

Shannon Murphy Global – Security & Risk Strategist, Trend Micro


Fredrik Börjesson
Security Strategy
Nationellt cybersäkerhetscenter

Strategi 1

Erick Thek
Cyber Threat Intelligence Manager
Trend Micro

Strategi 2

Trend Micro förbehåller sig rätten att ta ut en avgift på 500 SEK vid utebliven närvaro eller vid otillräcklig meddelandetid för avbokning. En faktura kommer skickas via e-post efter genomfört event.

Välkommen att kontakta oss för eventuella frågor angående evenemanget.

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