There is only one

Trend is the only vendor recognized as a
Leader in both Endpoint and Network security
(EDR + NDR) by Forrester in 2023

99% of Trend Vision One™ customers rated our NDR platform 4 or 5 stars!


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Endpoint Security

Named a Leader, received the highest overall score in the Strategy category


Forrester recommends Endpoint security customers look for providers that:

  Prioritize prevention
  Extend the ability to do more with less
  Provide a seamless transition to EDR or XDR

“Trend Micro is a good fit for customers who want
a consistently strong endpoint protection platform that can support evolving to XDR.”

Read the report

Forrester Wave: Endpoint Security, Q4 2023

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Section 2 - Column 4. Praesent non velit ut libero condimentum pulvinar sed vitae tellus.
Vestibulum id tristique elit. Suspendisse posuere rutrum sodales. Nam id elit ac sem iaculis lacinia posuere vitae metus.

Network Detection and Response

Named a Leader, received 5/5 scores in Threat Intelligence, Innovation and Vision criteria


Forrester recommends NAV/NDR customers look for providers that:

  Have onboard or tightly integrated decryption capabilities
  Make analyst experience (AX) a priority

“Trend Micro’s NAV offering is well suited for medium-size to large enterprises that have other Trend Micro products in place or are looking for a platform offering that includes XDR.”

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Forrester Wave: Network Analysis and Visibility, Q2 2023

Section 3 - Column 3. Praesent non velit ut libero condimentum pulvinar sed vitae tellus.
Vestibulum id tristique elit. Suspendisse posuere rutrum sodales. Nam id elit ac sem iaculis lacinia posuere vitae metus.

Section 3 - Column 4. Praesent non velit ut libero condimentum pulvinar sed vitae tellus.
Vestibulum id tristique elit. Suspendisse posuere rutrum sodales. Nam id elit ac sem iaculis lacinia posuere vitae metus.

Endpoint Protection Platforms (EPP)
Customers’ Choice 2023

4.7 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 290 Ratings

“Trend Micro XDR, Integrating the Endpoint and Network on one platform with correlation.”

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Network Detection and Response (NDR)
Customers’ Choice 2024

Midsize Enterprise ($50M – 1B)

4.7 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 74 Ratings

“Trend Micro XDR, Integrating the Endpoint and Network on one platform with correlation.”

See what our users say

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Section 5 - Column 3. Praesent non velit ut libero condimentum pulvinar sed vitae tellus.
Vestibulum id tristique elit. Suspendisse posuere rutrum sodales. Nam id elit ac sem iaculis lacinia posuere vitae metus.

Section 5 - Column 4. Praesent non velit ut libero condimentum pulvinar sed vitae tellus.
Vestibulum id tristique elit. Suspendisse posuere rutrum sodales. Nam id elit ac sem iaculis lacinia posuere vitae metus.