Trend Micro
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#1 in Cloud Workload Security
Market Share Five Years Running

IDC Worldwide Cloud Workload Security Market Shares, 2022: A Shifting Landscape (Published May 2023)

At 16%, Trend Micro continues to dominate as the Cloud Workload Security vendor of choice, more than doubling the market share of our closest competitor.

Read this exclusive report to get the latest info on key cloud security trends and recommendations:

Trend’s position at the top of the market remains unthreatened, exceeding the share of second and third largest vendors combined.
While organizations have scrutinized expenditures in 2022, IDC research shows that cybersecurity is most resilient to budget cuts in 2023.​
Ease of use, unified hybrid cloud security administration, and vulnerability check at build, deploy, and runtime are top reasons organizations choose a cloud workload security solution.

IDC recognizes that Leading drivers of [Trend’s] accelerated growth included organizations' need to consolidate tools into a single security platform, data sovereignty driving geographic expansion, and increased dependence on cloud.

Amid a growing set of economic and geopolitical disruptions, organizations like yours are looking for maximum return on current and future cloud investments.

Trend's platform strengthens cloud security by:

Identifying and reporting on risks in the cloud and fixing in one place, eliminating the requirement for multiple security products.
Kerit-Red-02.png Enabling automated discovery and blocking of vulnerabilities and malware across your environment to alleviate IT teams.
Kerit-Red-02.png Utilizing insight and reporting into your cloud risk level to show value of cloud security investments and activities.

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Trend Micro has 665 reviews with a 4.6-star rating as of June 7, 2023.

Read more here: Trend Micro Reviews, Ratings, & Features 2023 | Gartner Peer Insights