
Trend Micro has been named a leader in
The Forrester Wave™: Cloud Workload Security, Q4 2019!

Receiving the highest score in the current offering and strategy categories, we believe the 2019 Forrester Wave demonstrates that Trend Micro is a strong and reliable choice for cloud workload security. That’s why we make your Digital Transformation Journey Seamless.

“Trend Micro builds a comprehensive CWS solution.”

“Container runtime and pre-runtime checks are comprehensive, and the solution exposes a broad API for deep security policy control.”

– The Forrester Wave™: Cloud Workload Security, Q4 2019

Although the Forrester Wave report references Trend Micro™ Deep Security™ as a Service, we’re in the process of transitioning it under the Trend Micro Cloud One™ platform.

This transition will allow us to continue to provide the same capabilities, but with an even more comprehensive set of cloud security choices. From cloud migration projects to cloud native application delivery and cloud center of excellence driven objectives, Trend Micro artfully gives you the freedom to go further and do more with automated, flexible, and all-in-one security.

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We make your Digital Transformation Journey Seamless

We enable the operational efficiency required to support your modern data center. Integrating with the fabric of your physical and virtualized environments, Cloud One delivers fewer agents and automatic discovery and deployment of security. What’s more, by consolidating security tools with a comprehensive set of capabilities, you can better detect, protect, & respond to vulnerabilities, malware, and unauthorized system changes.

We are here to help start your Journey – Tell us how we can help?

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