Protecting Your Applications and Data in AWS

Enterprises are running their workloads across complex, hybrid infrastructures, and need solutions that provide full-stack, 360-degree visibility to support rapid time to identify and resolve security threats. Trend Micro Deep Security offers seamless integration with Sumo Logic’s data analytics service to enable rich analysis, visualizations and reporting of critical security and system data. This enables an actionable, single view across all elements in an environment.

In this webinar, you will learn how to:
  • Leverage Trend Micro Deep Security’s seamless integration with Sumo Logic’s data analytics service to enable rich analysis, visualizations and reporting of critical security and system data
  • Accelerate compliance by using a single tool that meets most compliance requirements when combined with Sumo Logic
  • Live demo showing how to integrate Deep Security with Sumo Logic Platform in three easy steps.
  • How to leverage out-of-the-box dashboards and saved-searches to improve your security posture
  • See a live use case to show the trail of an attack in Sumo's and how to remediate it quickly with Deep Security

Register now to watch the Webinar

© 2016 Trend Micro

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