How UNB is using policy, practice, and technology to enhance cyber security

Like many large universities, the University of New Brunswick (UNB) found itself increasingly targeted by a vast array of Internet threats. Originally designed to give large numbers of users broad access to data of all kinds, university IT systems like UNB’s are easy targets for cyber criminals.

Join David Shipley from UNB for this live, interactive webinar, as he describes the ambitious process that he and his colleagues undertook to implement a proactive, intelligence-based cyber security strategy that gives them real-time visibility into attacks in progress, along with actionable insights to respond quickly and effectively.

In less than an hour, David will tell you:
  • Why simply reinforcing perimeter defenses was not the right approach for UNB
  • How they were able to gain better security visibility and intelligence—and use it effectively
  • Which solutions combined to dramatically improve UNB’s cyber security without greatly increasing resource demands
  • And more…

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from an accomplished peer, and to discover how you too can create and implement an effective, intelligence-based security strategy for your organization.

Register now to watch the Webinar

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