In-person Security Workshop Houston, TX

Getting Started in the cloud: Well-Architected Framework + Cloud Misconfiguration 101| March 22nd | 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Join us in-person for lunch and hands-on learning!

About the Workshop:

Learn how to leverage infrastructure as code (IaC) and Security to automate your cloud security efforts. If you’re interested in making cloud security more efficient, automated, proactive, and accessible to developers, cloud architects, DevOps engineers this workshop is for you!

Learn how to easily map your cloud misconfiguration with the 6-pillars from AWS Well-Architected Framework to ensure your cloud migration and new applications align with the AWS Best Practices for Security, Cost Optimization, Performance Efficiency, Reliability, Sustainability, and Operational Excellence.

Immersion Day course group photo

Who should attend?

If you are building a new AWS environment, starting out on your journey to AWS, starting a new cloud initiative, or are completely new to AWS, Cloud One - Conformity will help you get started quickly with governance and best practices as part of your guardrails.

Date: Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Location: In-person at AWS Office | Houston, TX | 825 Town and Country Lane, Suite 1000, Houston, Texas 77024

Workshop Agenda

8:30-9:00am - Breakfast & check-in

9:00am - 1:00pm - Workshop 

  1. AWS Shared Responsibility Model and Security Foundations
  2. IDE Security Plugin
  3. IaC Pipeline with Security
  4. Automating AWS Well-Architected Framework
  5. Finding and Remediating Misconfiguration on:
    1. S3 buckets
    2. IAM Roles
    3. SQS & SNS
  6. Challenge Lab - Add your corporate AWS account and generate an AWS Well-Architected for a chance to win a 3D printer

Lunch will be provided for all attendees following the workshop. 


Mark Tabago
AWS Alliances Solution Architect, Trend Micro


Ed Chen
Partner Solutions Architect, AWS

This event has been cancelled.

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