Erleben Sie einen Sicherheitsvorfall?

Unsere vertrauenswürdigen Incident-Response-Experten von Trend Micro stehen Ihnen zur Seite – sei es bei einem aktuellen Cybersicherheitsvorfall oder wenn Sie Ihre IR-Pläne proaktiv verbessern möchten.

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  • small: 20px
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Please check this link to know more about new company brand guidelines: Guidelines

Please check this link to access to the latest Template User Guide: Guidelines

Bitte beschreiben Sie Ihre Angriffssituation. Unser Incident-Response-Team wird sich in Kürze bei Ihnen melden.

Besuchen Sie für technischen Support oder im Bedrohungsfall.

Trend Micro schützt Ihre Privatsphäre. Datenschutzhinweis lesen.

Supporting you step by step

We structure our Incident Response engagements along the SysAdmin, Audit, Network, and Security (SANS) incident response model, an industry standard proven to be fast and decisive.

Our team will assist you throughout the process to:

the ongoing attack in its tracks

rebuilding your production environment by localizing unaffected assets and backups

your network, servers, and endpoint defenses to protect against future attack

Section 1 - Column 4. Praesent non velit ut libero condimentum pulvinar sed vitae tellus.
Vestibulum id tristique elit. Suspendisse posuere rutrum sodales. Nam id elit ac sem iaculis lacinia posuere vitae metus.


“We quickly resolved the incident with the help of a Trender from the IR team who remained in contact with me for eight hours straight, troubleshooting and recommending solutions until the issue was resolved.” 
- Troy Riegsecker, Infrastructure Manager, Fischer Homes

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Section 2 - Column 2. Praesent non velit ut libero condimentum pulvinar sed vitae tellus.
Vestibulum id tristique elit. Suspendisse posuere rutrum sodales. Nam id elit ac sem iaculis lacinia posuere vitae metus.

Section 2 - Column 3. Praesent non velit ut libero condimentum pulvinar sed vitae tellus.
Vestibulum id tristique elit. Suspendisse posuere rutrum sodales. Nam id elit ac sem iaculis lacinia posuere vitae metus.

Section 2 - Column 4. Praesent non velit ut libero condimentum pulvinar sed vitae tellus.
Vestibulum id tristique elit. Suspendisse posuere rutrum sodales. Nam id elit ac sem iaculis lacinia posuere vitae metus.